Monday, February 21, 2011

Checkup with Dr. C.

We took Daylon to the doctor today to see if his ears were infected again or what the deal was, because he is pulling on them so much. His ears were clear, so apparently no real reason for him to be pulling on his ears.

While we were there Dr. C asked what Dr. S thought of Daylon and if there was anything new going on. I told him what Dr. S. said about wondering if growth hormone is the right medication for these kids that are born small, or if increlex (IGF-1) is the better medication, and that he wants to keep him on the growth hormone for a year to see how he responds to it before deciding if he should change him to the other medication. Dr. C's response was, "Well that's something new." LOL!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Exciting News!!

I know all of you have heard me talk about RSS or Russell Silver Syndrome and how it is very similar to Daylon's diagnosis. They have a lot of the same symptoms and are treated the same.
Mystery Diagnosis just did a segment on RSS!!! How exciting!! We watched it last night and I teared up through the entire thing because this family's story is so similar to ours. Daylon & I also had the chance to meet the Getch Family (the family that this segment is about) at The MAGIC Convention last July!! They are such amazing people.
The episode is airing again on Sunday at 10:00 AM, MDT on the OWN Network. Just wanted to give you a heads up and ask that you watch it!!

Thank you & love you tons!!
