Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Change of Plans!! So Excited!!

So, we have decided to drive instead of fly to Chicago. We will stay with friends and family along the way. It will be so much cheaper to drive rather than fly, and with driving we are already almost half way there to having enough to pay for our gas. YAY!!! Now we know that we are definitely going. We were looking at about $1500 for plane tickets and we can drive for about $800 or so. That's figuring the lowest possible gas mileage and adding about 500 miles onto each end of the trip. I am going to talk to a couple of the agencies around town to see if they can help us out.
Daylon did really well with his shot last night, a couple whimpers and he was fine. He has an evaluation with STeP today to go over his speech development again. He still only uses probably 10 words consistently and knows probably 30 words, when he wants to use them. I will let you know what we find out.

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