Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 6, Fifth Dose!

First, we had our evaluation with STEP (Early Intervention) today. This was the third evaluation they've done and he has never been far enough behind to qualify for services. That is, until today. His communication scored at 16 months and physical scored at 18 months, so he has two areas with a 25% delay, and we will be going forward with a plan of action next week.
Tonight's injection didn't go so well. I decided to try using the needle guard to see if that helped. Nope!! Not at all! I actually think it made it worse. I am not even sure he got the dose and the needle was bent to almost a 90 degree angle. Definitely NOT doing that again!! Much easier when you can actually see the needle and make sure you have it where it is supposed to be while giving the medication. Then, I went to put the needle cover back on (like they showed me) and it stuck through the cover and poked my finger. Now, that one actually did hurt!!
When I told Shawn about it he laughed at me and told me that a little growth hormone wouldn't hurt me any. :-( LOL!! Stinker!!
That's our news for today. Hoping tomorrow's injection goes much smoother than tonights. Praying that this gets easier!! They say it does, and I believe it will as long as I continue to remind myself that I can do this and it is something he needs.

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